Try the BEST Virtual Asistant Tool for just $1!

My Connection Builder CRM

The video above shows you IN FEWER THAN 6 MINUTES the basics of what My Connection Builder can do for you!

In literally just a few minutes you can be ALL set up to:

- Import contacts and set them into Follow up schedule that will keep those hot leads from becoming cold to your business and products.

- Establish Automated Comments to respond as your page under ANY post or ad you have set up on your Facebook Business Page

- Create Automated Messages to be sent to those who comment so that your business keeps running even while you are busy doing other things (like maybe eating dinner or relaxing a little)

- Sync Your Google account with MCB to track all google calendar activity inside of MCB and NEVER miss an appointment or event again!

- Email prospects from your personal Gmail account if that is their preferred method of communication

- Live Chat through Facebook Messenger without ever leaving MCB

- Track income earned and compare it to true business activity and narrow down what is working best for you and what is not.

- Set and track Lifestyle Goals - You know... all those other things you should be doing daily so that you don't turn into a work-a-holoic and might actually enjoy life again

- Time your work with a convenient in system timer- no more checking your phone for the time and getting sucked into time wasting activities

- Move ALL contacts through an easy to follow Sales Funnel System without sacrificing relationship building. Get Out Of The Friend Zone!

All these features PLUS MORE are available to you FOR FREE for a FULL 30 Days... after that point you have a few options

The Unlimited plan ALSO comes with access to a FUN and ACTIVE Facebook Community EXCLUSIVE to our members.

Experts in various fields will guest star with weekly trainings, we will answer EVERY question posted about MCB, you will rub elbows with the LEADING nSocial Networkers who are actively working to be at or maintain the level of the TOP of their field!

There is also a lifetime license available for $997 that gives you FULL access to ALL features for the rest of your life PLUS the group!

So Join us NOW! And Learn how to make TIME for SUCCESS!


50% Complete

Two Step

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