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STB Organic Facebook Training

In this course you will be served the VERY best training that teaches the expert and the novice alike to tell their story in a compelling way, engage people on Social Media, Provide VALUE VALUE VALUE, and get more people coming to YOU vs wasting time chasing the un-interested

In 27 clear, short, and simple to understand videos you will learn about:

- Design and Publish your FIRST Fan Page OR Improve your Current Fan Page: You will be SHOCKED at the small changes you can make on your page to get instant results and create a huge-swing in engagement. Simple and straight to the point, this will get you started the right way!

- Top 5 mistakes to avoid on Social Media: Nearly every person on Facebook/Instagram makes these mistakes. By avoiding them and doing instead what we show, you will naturally start to build your tribe and ATTRACT the people you want to your page.

- Telling YOUR story: This literally is the foundation of why we are able to take new marketers and turn them into top promoters in their company. Here you are going to learn exactly how to share your story that not only is true to you but in a way that will lead to massive amounts of engagement!

- Avatar: Learn how to dial your avatar in for yourself and the game will change! Here you are going to learn step by step what it takes to find your perfect customer (and promoter) by speaking directly to (her or him) in your posts.  

- Turning LIFE into POSTS: Did you know that the little things you do each day can get you unbelievable results on your posts? Here we show you how to take what you think might be “boring” and leverage it to build a huge following of YOUR people!

- How to run an effective Giveaway: When done correctly they will get you HUNDREDS of comments and crazy amounts of engagement. Here we take you step by step and walk you through how to step them up and what to do after it blows up on your page!

- Turn a Free Group into Paid Customers: This is about learning how to provide value for your new followers in a way that they naturally will want to join you on your team! This one video series is worth the price of admission!

- How to Host an event from your Page: Events can be very powerful but also somewhat confusing. Here we are going to skip over the hard stuff that you do not need to do and get right to what makes you more business!





50% Complete

Two Step

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